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Post Wedding in Zürich

Sometimes, our wedding pictures don't turn out the way we expect them to be: bad weather conditions, running late, and other circumstances aside from that, can make our pictures outcome different than what we expected. The perfect solution for this is a post wedding photoshoot: you choose the perfect location and a day where you do know you will have good weather, and then, with no stress at all, as there are no guests waiting for you and no time schedule to comply with, you can relax and take things easy.

When Scheri contacted me, she told me that due to some circumstances she did not have the pictures that she wanted on her wedding day in Lausanne with her family, so she was looking for a photographer in Zürich to do a post wedding with, having then those family pictures but also some more couple ones. She was looking for someone with an atemporal style, with natural colours, and that is why she chose me, and I am happy to say that she was happy with the results, and I will leave you know mostly with the pictures from their couple part.

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